In February of 2017, Dr.B.Zurk travelled to SLC/ Provo, Utah to put on a show titled "Apocalyptic DADA" which coincided with BoxCar Studios "Winter Carnival" show. All pieces were made within four days, with four colors of paint and random found objects. Everything was made on the spot in Mister Pauper's studio space…Is this 2017 or 1914 Germany? Are We headed towards War or Peace? Wasteland or Utopia? Echoes of the past come forth into the present. There are only Questions, there is only Mystery.. Apocalyptic DADA!!
there are a few pieces available, if you'd like to purchase one please contact me @ [email protected], thanks!
The installations were interactive pieces to get the participant out of their ordinary and into a ritual. The first one was the Apocalyptic DADA mannequin with Scorched Earth Mask. Reminiscent of the original DADAist movement. This was the initial wake up piece. With "The Holy Relic Contraption" I asked folks to sit down and contemplate the piece. And then to write down a hope, dream, wish, fear, etc and place it in the box, after which I burnt all the offerings, back into the aether and the completion of the ritual.